Our Mod Menus were developed to run on the most popular gaming consoles – Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Xbox One and PS4. We provide a wide variety of Mod Menus for GTA 5, Call of Duty, Fortnite and many other games. Your #1 source of USB Mod Menus on the internet. PS3 has a larger RAM capacity, and it needs it to run games with high performance and there is mods on ps3 skyrim but theyre not legal i believe And why would ps3 have larger ram capacity? Well this is why, games reguire a lot more memory than pc softwares and ps3 was made for HIGH PERFORMANCE GAMING, and there are a lot diffrent pc's and my. It's some sort of culture in the gaming industry and nude mods exist since Lara Croft got hottter and hotter. So here's a good overview of the currently available nude mods. There are tons of them but only few feature naked characters. If you're playing The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim on a PC you might want to check out the mods already available.