Details regarding the application you wish to remove, by clicking on the Properties button.ħ.
Reviews by other users - Press the Read reviews button.
The star rating tells you the opinion other users have regarding tree-of-savior-addon-manager, ranging from "Highly recommended" to "Very dangerous".
Safety rating (in the left lower corner).
After you click tree-of-savior-addon-manager in the list of apps, the following information regarding the application is shown to you: If it is installed on your PC the tree-of-savior-addon-manager app will be found automatically. Scroll the list of programs until you find tree-of-savior-addon-manager or simply activate the Search field and type in "tree-of-savior-addon-manager". All the programs existing on the computer will appear 6. Click on the Uninstall Programs button 5. Advanced Uninstaller PRO is a very useful Windows tool. It's recommended to take some time to admire the program's interface and wealth of features available.
download the program by clicking on the DOWNLOAD NOW buttonĢ.
This is good because Advanced Uninstaller PRO is one of the best uninstaller and all around tool to maximize the performance of your system. If you don't have Advanced Uninstaller PRO already installed on your PC, install it. Here are some detailed instructions about how to do this:ġ. The best EASY action to uninstall tree-of-savior-addon-manager is to use Advanced Uninstaller PRO. This can be difficult because removing this manually takes some advanced knowledge related to Windows program uninstallation. Tree-of-savior-addon-manager is an application offered by Excrulon. Frequently, users choose to uninstall this program. How to uninstall tree-of-savior-addon-manager from your computer with the help of Advanced Uninstaller PRO The information on this page is only about version 0.3.1 of tree-of-savior-addon-manager. The following executable files are incorporated in tree-of-savior-addon-manager. A guide to uninstall tree-of-savior-addon-manager from your systemYou can find on this page details on how to uninstall tree-of-savior-addon-manager for Windows. It is produced by Excrulon. Take a look here for more info on Excrulon. tree-of-savior-addon-manager is frequently installed in the C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\tree-of-savior-addon-manager folder, but this location can differ a lot depending on the user's option while installing the program. C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\tree-of-savior-addon-manager\Update.exe is the full command line if you want to remove tree-of-savior-addon-manager. The program's main executable file occupies 262.50 KB (268800 bytes) on disk and is called -v0.3.2-beta1.exe.